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About Me

Hi. This is me.  I'm a native Californian, born and raised in San Diego, and transplanted to Los Angeles, some 20 something years ago.

I love to say yes, I love to stay busy and productive, I probably say yes too often, but let's not make this a therapy session. 

Because of all the yeses I have lived a rich life and traveled this globe extensively, both for work and pleasure, running away with the circus sure helped with that!  I want to suck the marrow from the bones of life, all the light, all the dark, and everything in between. 

Diane Arbus is quoted as saying,

"My favorite thing is to go where I have never been."  I'm ready.

Where do you want to go?  Let's do it.

In the meantime, this is me, relaxing by a pool, doesn't that sound swell?

Contact Me

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